First British Colonies
House of Burgesses Representative assembly in colonial Virginia , which was the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession. The assembly was one division of the legislature established by Gov. George Yeardley at Jamestown , July 30, 1619; the other included the governor himself and a council, all appointed by the colonial proprietor (the Virginia Company ). Because each Virginia settlement was entitled to elect two delegates, the original membership of the House of Burgesses was 22. Pilgrim Fathers The Pilgrim Fathers were a religious, English group founded in late 16 th century that, unhappy with the political and religious atmosphere in its country, decided to travel to Netherlands and to America. They were met in puritan, clandestine church because religious prosecutions were carried out. They travelled on the Mayflower, the ship they used to arrive to the US. Due to some ship problems, they had to ...